Behind the Scenes of BIG SONIA: A Small Story Writ Large in Film

Behind the Scenes of BIG SONIA: A Small Story Writ Large in Film

Read the original article at here. Interview with director Leah Warshawksi of documentary film Big Sonia – on women in films, finding the truest version of your story, and the #SmallMattersBig push for an Academy Award nomination. Cheryl Laughlin reads...
Holocaust institute impacts educators

Holocaust institute impacts educators

Article in the Florida Jewish Journal Miami-Dade Jewish News by Sergio Carmona 200 teachers participate in Institute Teachers from South Florida recently learned different ways to incorporate Shoah studies into their teachings from a variety of speakers during the...
Leah’s Interview with Helene Stelian on “Living with Purpose”

Leah’s Interview with Helene Stelian on “Living with Purpose”

Read the original interview on Helene’s website. What is your life’s purpose ? To live with authenticity and integrity and to promote healing and alternate viewpoints through filmmaking. How are you living your purpose? I’m a first-born over-achiever, but even...