We’re excited to share an hour-long version of the film on PBS stations across the country – beginning in April 2022, for the next THREE years. Our launch will coincide with Passover, Genocide Awareness Month, and the Anniversary of Sonia’s Liberation. We can’t think of a more powerful and impactful way to spread the #SoniaEffect in a time we need it MOST.
Check the schedule for YOUR local PBS station and help us spread the word!
BIG GRATITUDE For Our PBS Sponsors & Partners To-Date…

Social Impact Sponsors
We’re always looking for partners to support marketing, promotion, outreach and impact! Now that we have confirmed broadcast dates for more than 70% of the country, we’re eager to promote the film and make the BIGGEST impact possible. Making a film – and ensuring that people watch – takes a village. Thank you for being part of our “village”. Let’s talk more!
Impact & Education
Did you know that we have an educational package for the film? We believe Holocaust education is more important now than ever. Please help us spread the #SoniaEffect far and wide by suggesting BIG SONIA to schools, museums, non-profits, businesses, universities, etc. (The film is appropriate for ages 13+ OR for kids who have already had some Holocaust education.)
Watch the Feature Film (93 mins)
Want more BIG SONIA? Watch the original feature film on Amazon, Amazon Prime, Tubi and Vimeo on Demand. Or via DVD. The feature includes lots of extra scenes that we had to cut out in order to fit into a PBS hour. We know you’ll laugh, cry, and be inspired to try gefilte fish at your next Passover seder!
Connect with Caroline
Lots of people ask us what Caroline is doing now, and she’d love to speak with you directly. Please check out her website and get in touch!