TedX Twin Falls

TedX Twin Falls

Leah Warshawski spoke at the TEDx Twin Falls on February 18th, 2017 about The Survival Generation. More...
The Jewish Week – Heads Of The Tribe

The Jewish Week – Heads Of The Tribe

Sonia Warshawski knows the exact moment when she decided to go public with her past as a survivor of Auschwitz. She was watching television and saw a group of skinhead Holocaust deniers spouting their line, and a voice in her head said, “This was the reason you...
‘Big Sonia’ – A Survivor’s Story Premieres at Film Festival

‘Big Sonia’ – A Survivor’s Story Premieres at Film Festival

Some of us choose to record our family histories in books, photos, audio recordings or through other creative media. Our eldest daughter, Leah Warshawski (and husband Todd Soliday), opted for a more arduous challenge — a documentary film about her grandmother (and my...